They snicky .. Will tell you they added interest on to your loan after you put a down payment down .. Something 3000 u put a 1000 down tell u oh yea u just owe 2000 grand .. U go make your first payment look at your receipt and see u owe 3000 then they tell u the bank put interest on the payment. Ask for bank info or phone number they can't provide it. Etc. .. One good thing about them they do not pester you for your car payment will work with you and give u a month or two to make a payment.
They snicky .. Will tell you they added interest on to your loan after you put a down payment down .. Something 3000 u put a 1000 down tell u oh yea u just owe 2000 grand .. U go make your first payment look at your receipt and see u owe 3000 then they tell u the bank put interest on the payment. Ask for bank info or phone number they can't provide it. Etc. .. One good thing about them they do not pester you for your car payment will work with you and give u a month or two to make a payment.