A lot of good ppl exist there, but there are gatekeepers in leadership who control the amount of minorities who are hired. Picking excuses to exclude females and minorities while finding reasons to keep there white male relatives and buddies despite arrest records and documented proof of there bad judgements via drug use, fights,ect. Don't believe me look into retired Detective Jeff Roose. Current Chief is not a real cop and is quite liberal, but is trying to change this which is good.
A lot of good ppl exist there, but there are gatekeepers in leadership who control the amount of minorities who are hired. Picking excuses to exclude females and minorities while finding reasons to keep there white male relatives and buddies despite arrest records and documented proof of there bad judgements via drug use, fights,ect. Don't believe me look into retired Detective Jeff Roose. Current Chief is not a real cop and is quite liberal, but is trying to change this which is good.