A lot of blame for the downfall of education in the US is laid on the standardized tests. When you don't assign homework and don't engage students in creative projects, or even simple book reports, whose fault is it really? Class is taught to the lowest level possible; therefore, everyone can successfully underachieve. We all shouldn't aspire to be ditch-diggers; however, I'd be happy if the teachers aspired to be...teachers. There are some good ones in the district, but they are the exception, not the norm.
A lot of blame for the downfall of education in the US is laid on the standardized tests. When you don't assign homework and don't engage students in creative projects, or even simple book reports, whose fault is it really? Class is taught to the lowest level possible; therefore, everyone can successfully underachieve. We all shouldn't aspire to be ditch-diggers; however, I'd be happy if the teachers aspired to be...teachers. There are some good ones in the district, but they are the exception, not the norm.