I first met Cindi on her web page when I knew absolutely nothing about rug hooking. From what I read on her site, I had a better understanding about the art. I still refer to her web page for the latest information and to look at the archives.
I have had the pleasure of hooking with Cindi twice...both in Texas at the Star of Texas camps. She is an excellent teacher, has wonderful color sense, is a wealth of knowledge and just plain fun. If you have the chance to hook with her, sign up!!!
I first met Cindi on her web page when I knew absolutely nothing about rug hooking. From what I read on her site, I had a better understanding about the art. I still refer to her web page for the latest information and to look at the archives. I have had the pleasure of hooking with Cindi twice...both in Texas at the Star of Texas camps. She is an excellent teacher, has wonderful color sense, is a wealth of knowledge and just plain fun. If you have the chance to hook with her, sign up!!!